Established in 1851, the New York Times is like most things in America: younger than Austin College. Nevertheless, the Grey Lady is still the place for “all the news that’s fit to print.” And in its style section you’ll find many a blue blood wedding featuring upper-crust folks not named Marc Parrish.
But you will find Roo Jonica Moore.
Roo Sridhar Yaratha took a lot of AC pictures back in the day; he has sent me a bunch over the years. I sit on them, looking for opportunities to share. One of them I like shows Sridhar, Chris Carver (RIP), and Jonica Moore with her trusty camera at an AC football game.
That camera may have gotten its start at little AC, but it’s now made the trip to the New York Times.
This weekend, the New York Times covered the wedding of comedian/writer Selena Coppock. Coppock writes mocking, over-the-top parodies about Grey Lady blue blood weddings in her FAKE GREY LADY column. The humor earned her a large readership.
But Coppock had a sentimental change of heart about weddings after her own this year. And for the very REAL wedding of this FAKE GREY LADY, Ms. Coppock hired Jonica Moore Photography. The New York Times ran a column about the event, with Jonica’s photos included and credited.
Sridhar and I aren’t New York City blue bloods. And we don’t have any wedding plans in our future. But the next time the two of us get together for the least spectacular social event of the year, we’re gonna hire the REAL deal: Jonica Moore Photography.
See the Jonica column in the comments. Hey Jonica, how ‘bout that? We can “read all about you in the New York Times.”